Quick Solar System Comparison
(Includes recent moon count)

in Miles
Rotation on Axis
(Planet's Day)
Number of
from Sun
in Miles

Time it takes
Light** to Travel form the Sun
to the Respective Planet

Around Sun
(Planet's Year)
SUN 865,000 30 days
MERCURY 3,032 59 days 0 36 million 3.2 minutes 88 days
VENUS 7,521 243 days 0 67 million 6 minutes 225 days
EARTH*** 7,926 24 hours 1 93 million 8.3 minutes 365 days
MARS 4,222 24.6 hours 2 142 million 13 minutes 687 days
JUPITER 88,844 9.8 hours 63 484 million 43 minutes 11.8 years
SATURN 74,900 10.2 hours 61**** 887 million 80 minutes 29 years
URANUS 31,764 17.9 hours 27 1.8 billion 2.7 hours 84 years
NEPTUNE 30,777 19.2 hours 13 2.8 billion 4.2 hours 164 years
PLUTO***** 1,429 6.4 days 3 3.7 billion 5.5 hours 248 years

*Moon counts as of February 2011.
Expect the counts for Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune to rise.
Over 200 moons of Saturn have been found but most of these moons have unstable orbits,
which means that they do not follow a consistent path around Saturn.

**Light travels at the speed of 186,282 miles per second.

***Our Moon is 2,160 miles in diameter and revolves around the Earth every 29.5 days
at a distance of 240,000 miles.

****Astronomers have observed about 200 moons around Saturn but only 63 have stable orbits.
The remaining 140 are very small (34 are just 6 miles across) and are more like small asteroids
instead of something that we would call moons.

*****As of August 24, 2006, Pluto is no longer considered a major Planet.
It is classified as a Dwarf Planet and is one of the larger objects in an
outer debris field that starts beyond Neptune and is named the "Kuiper Belt."